
Chlorine – The Most Popular Biocide

Chlorine – The Most Popular Biocide

In the second part of our SpaChem ™ FAQ series, we will discuss chlorine – the most popular water treatment biocide available.
Chlorine is an excellent sanitiser which has both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to pool, hot tub and spa use. Below we have listed some of the key factors to consider:

Calcium Hardness – The Solubility Controller

Calcium Hardness – The Solubility Controller

So far, we have discussed both pH, Total Alkalinity and how the two interact. This leads us on to our next subject – Calcium Hardness and it’s part in Water Balance.

All water has an intrinsic hardness to it. This refers to the amount of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which can be found dissolved into it. Here in the UK, you can find all levels of hardness from very soft through to very hard. Check with your utility supplier to find out the level of water hardness you have in your area and be aware that it can vary from postcode to postcode.

Biocides and You

Biocides and You

Here at SpaChem™, customer sanctification is our top priority. We aim to ensure that you not only enjoy your hot tub, spa or pool but also understand the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ behind each of the products that you use.
From this drive, our SpaChem™ FAQ series was born. Here, we start off with the cornerstone of your water health and safety management plan – biocides.

Biofilm – The Unseen Scourge

Biofilm - The Unseen Scourge

Biofilm. A word that means so much to some and so little to most. For anyone outside of the janitorial or spa industry, this illusive word may have little meaning. So, in this post, we explore what biofilm is, how it can affect your appliances and how best to remove it.